Why Picking Your Own Fruit Should be Your Next Family Activity

Picking Fruit at Tougas - Fun for the Whole Family
Picking your own fruit is a fun and rewarding family experience. Not only do you have the enjoyment of spending time with your loved ones, you leave with some of the freshest and best tasting fruit you’ve ever had – grocery stores can’t compete!
Picking Fruit - The Best Value in Family Entertainment!
At a time when it costs at least $100 to take a family of four to the movies, picking your own fruit, in comparison, provides quality family time spent outside, picking your own fruit, playing on the playground, visiting the animals, maybe having some ice cream, plus, bringing fruit home to enjoy. Creating family memories and maybe even a family tradition is a value that can’t be beat!
Our Family Atmosphere
Additional Value: Parking is Free, Playground is Free, Barnyard is Free, Clean Restroom Facilities, Many Handwashing Stations, A Courtyard Full of Clean Picnic Tables all in a Stunning Location!
Unplug with the Kids Outdoors
Now more than ever, kids are spending more time indoors and connected to electronics. Picking your own fruit at the farm is a great way to spend family time outdoors and electronic free!
Picking Fruit is Educational for the Whole Family
Not many of us grow up growing their own food anymore. Coming to the farm to pick fruit is educational and fun! See how each fruit grows, learn how to pick the fruit and see just what it takes to grow and harvest a crop. Have more questions? Our friendly, family oriented staff in red shirts and green hats are always available to answer any of your questions and talk “fruit”.
Things to Know About PYO Fruit
Before you embark..
...always check our "What's Picking Today" page for up to date opening and closings! Available fruit can be picked out for the day or sudden weather changes may change our hours. Always check first or call the Picking Hotline at (508) 393-6406.
Say No to Sunburns!
Fruit requires a lot of sun to grow! Be sure to wear sunscreen and a hat! Because the farm is full of open fields, you are getting sun from all angles -- more sun exposure than you think.
Dress for Success!
The temperature at the farm is often different than "down the hill". Best to dress in layers cause sometimes it is colder and more windy than where you live!
Protect Your Toes!
Wear only closed-toed shoes to protect your feet from sticks, bees and rocks. Closed-toes shoes that are good for walking on uneven ground, and if its been raining, waterproof shoes or boots is helpful.
Pick the Best Fruit!
We carefully select the best picking areas based on each fruit variety throughout the day and direct you accordingly. Please only pick in the area directed. If it's not to your liking, please see a staff member.
10 Second Rule 😉
If you drop your fruit on the ground, please make every effort to pick it up and purchase it. We hate to waste fruit and many labor-intensive hours go into the care of our crops. Also, fruit on the ground invites pests to dine and no one wants that!
It Takes a Village!
Please help us keep our farm clean and tidy by disposing your trash in proper receptacles. It also keeps pests away.
Fruit Plant Safety
All children must be accompanied by an adult and remain within arms' reach in the fields and kept off plants. It's easy for children to get excited and not understand that stepping on plants will create damage.
The Lorax says...
...For the safety of our trees and guests, climbing or ripping down leaves or branches, of any tree on the farm, is prohibited.
Breathe in the Fresh Air!
Please be considerate of all our customers and observe our no-smoking policy.
No Dogs or Pets Allowed
See our Dog and Pet Policy here.
What Does it Take to Grow over 70 acres of PYO Fruit?
Growing fruit is a labor of love, one that starts for us in January with planning, pruning and farm equipment maintenance and ends in December when we are winterizing the farm. Then we start over again! Even when the fruit sleeps for the winter, we are busy making sure they wake up and grow into the best fruit you can pick!
Second Generation Fruit Farm - Growing for over 43 years!
Tougas Family Farm is a family owned and operated farm since 1981! Maurice and Phyllis Tougas purchased the home farm and over the years converted the old peach and apple orchards to include the Farm Store, Barnyard, Playground, and Farm Kitchen. Strawberries, cherries, blueberries,  blackberries, and pumpkins have replaced some of the old tired peach and apple trees.Â
The three Tougas children were born and raised on the farm. Andre, the oldest, went on to Cornell University to study Pomology and Farm Finance & Business Management and is now the owner of the Tougas Family Farm with his father and mother by his side.
Andre is committed to the same founding principals his parents started 43 years ago.. inviting families to the farm to share the exhilaration of fruit farming and experience picking their own fruit from the best source possible.