Enjoy 8.5 acres of Blueberries - Plump & Juicy, Ready for Picking
Blueberry picking season runs from July through mid-August, but can move by as much as 2 weeks either direction. To be sure you never miss picking your own blueberries, or picking any fruit, be sure to sign up for our What’s Picking Email Alerts.

Season for Pick Your Own Blueberries
Our blueberry season in central MA runs from July through mid-August, but can fluctuate 2 weeks in either direction, depending on weather.
Varieties of Pick Your Own Blueberries Grown
We grow over 8 varieties of blueberries on 8.5 acres, spreading our blueberry season over a month and a half.
Our pick your own blueberries are high bush berries with generally larger fruit due to careful pruning and watering. Easy to pick from standing position!
How We Grow Blueberries
To keep our blueberries large and plentiful, we must prune each bush carefully every year. Every three years or so we must extensively prune the bushes which helps in the long term but lowers the supply for the year after the hard prune.
Bird Netting and Picking Your Own Blueberries
All our pick your own blueberry fields are protected with bird netting which allow us to properly ripen our fruit. We place netting over all 8.5 acres of blueberries every June and remove it every September.
Blueberry Items from our Farm Store & Kitchen Menu

PYO Blueberry Experience
Where to go: Find parking in our large, easy and free lot. Our strawberries fields are entered from our East and West Entrance, depending on where the fruit is ready for picking at the time of your visit – look for our signs directing you to the correct entrance.
How to Pay: At our Field Entrance you will purchase your PYO Field Admission. We accept cash, MC, Visa, Amex and SNAP cards.
Getting into the Field: Enjoy a walk in our beautiful grounds or take a wagon ride to the picking area. Occasionally picking fields are only accessible by foot but if you require a ride, please ask and we will do our very best to accommodate
Timing: Picking your own blueberries takes, on average 45 minutes, depending on the age of pickers and how much fruit you are looking to pick. A perfect amount of time to pick some fresh-from-the-field fruit and then grab an ice cream and visit the animals.
- Wear closed-toed shoes
- Wear sunscreen
- Sunglasses and/or a hat
- Bring or Purchase water
Q. Why do you direct me to a specific section of the field?
A. Our goal is always to provide the best berries possible! One way to accomplish this goal is to have people pick out rows, one by one. That way the next person always has an abundance of berries to pick.
Q. Why do I have to ask an Harvest Guide if I want to move rows?
A. Our Harvest Guides are responsible for getting the entire field picked and keep track of what still needs to be picked. By asking where to go you enable our Guides to keep track of where needs to be picked and what is now finished for the day.
Always check the Picking conditions page or call the picking information line (508) 393-6406 for up to date picking information before coming out to the farm.
Always check in at the PYO shed first to get picking locations and information. Please pick only in designated areas, which are carefully selected based on the ripening schedule of our fruit.
It is important to remember that you are harvesting a food crop to feed to your family. Please practice good health and safe food practices before, during, and after harvest. Wear clean clothes, and wash your hands thoroughly after using the restrooms and before you go to the fields. If you are not feeling well, please stay at home. Dogs are not permitted on the farm due to many health regulations, please leave them at home where they are more comfortable than locked in your car.
Health regulations discourage eating in the fields.
How to Pick Your Own Blueberries
- Use care to pick berries that are ripe and BLUE all the way around. Not purple or green, those berries are still ripening. The last place a blueberry ripens is at the stem.
- Please pick one berry at a time, do not grab handfuls or rake berries off the bush
- Place your box under the bush to catch falling berries
- Remember to look high, low, and deep in the bush for hidden berries.
- Pick ALL ripe berries from one bush (your assigned bush) before moving to a new one. It is very important to get a clean harvest when we pick. This ensures proper ripening for the next harvest, helps us manage our field rotation, and is crucial for our pest management control.
- Keep strollers and wagons to the side of walk aisles.
- Fruit storage tips- Separate large quantities of fruit into smaller containers. Refrigerate fruit. Use or freeze within 3-4 days for best quality
Whether you want to pick your own blueberries or visit our store for Farm-Picked berries, we are sure you will love our fresh, ripe, juicy blueberries! We don’t pick our berries until they are ripe so you will always find delicious, berry goodness.
Fun Facts About Blueberries
The blueberry is one of only two uniquely American fruit, the cranberry being the other.
Wild blueberries grow either in high bushes or close to the ground (low bush).

Patriot Blueberries
Produced by the University of Maine, the Patriot blueberry is especially happy in our central Massachusetts fields. This pick your own blueberry sports large berries with very good blueberry flavor.

Duke Blueberries
The Duke blueberry one of the first blueberry varieties available for PYO. A beautiful berry that glows light blue and provides the perfect flavor for pies and tarts.

Early Blue Blueberries
Great blueberry flavor for fresh eating or baking! Our Early Blue blueberries are easy picking and delicious eating.

Blue Crop Blueberries
Our pick your own Blue Crop blueberry variety has large, bright blue, firm berries. Growing in large clusters, this blueberry flavor is superb, fresh or frozen.

Reka Blueberries
Developed in New Zealand, the Reka blueberry is a favorite blueberry for flavor and texture. The Reka blueberry won't disappoint any picker. Great flavor for fresh eating and baking.

Liberty Blueberries
Beautiful bushes to look at as they are full of beautiful berries, the Liberty Blueberry is a satisfying PYO variety. Berries are full of well balanced flavor, perfect for fresh eating and baking.